Chronicles the transformative journey of two teen-agers who married at sixteen and eighteen after three weeks of dating and five months of long-distance correspondence.
Hank, influenced by religious beliefs, domineered Donna with psychological abuse. Three miscarriages and a baby who lived one day impacted Donna further.
Did destiny play a part in bringing these two souls together for a greater purpose, enabling them to embark on a musical career that neither of them envisioned when they married? Boosted by his ego, Hank formed a band, further alienating Donna.
Then, like a miracle, Donna transformed her subdued persona into a self-assured personality. Blessed with a powerful voice and comedic wit, songwriting became another talent. Once, at her lowest ebb, she wrote a new song that finally brought Hank to his senses after almost fifteen years of marriage.
This book is a testament to a remarkable woman, Donna-Marie, without whose extraordinary power of love this story would not have been written.